Médoune Seck

Video Design

Médoune Seck was born in Senegal in 1983 and graduated in Physics / Chemistry and Computer Science / Network Management at the Université de Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. There he practiced traditional Senegalese dance with the company Fire Fly. In 2013, he met Helge Letonja and his choreographic work at the École des Sables, a pan-African contemporary dance center in Senegal. Since then he has assisted Letonja in the creative phases of intercontinental productions there and has produced the video visuals. In 2015, he moved to Bremen, where he supports the artistic production team of steptext dance project and dances in the ensemble. For Letonja’s Boxom he per-formed for the first time in Europe, then in 2016 in the new version of The Desert, and since 2016 in Zwei Giraffen tanzen Tango – Bremer Schritte (Two Giraffes Dance Tango – Bremen Steps). Médoune Seck created the video design for both On the shoulders of Giants and Momentum Zero.

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